Elvshand har spelat på många scener i Stockholm och dess närhet (Mälardalen). Har gjort musik i hela sitt liv och de senaste åren har han framträtt såväl ensam som med andra musiker, på Stockholms scener.

Eftersom Elvshand skriver nytt material hela tiden och framträder med det nya materialet är det dessa låtar som ligger artisten närmast hjärtat. Men det finns många covers Elvshand framför, som har valts med omsorg. Dessa covers finns också med på spellistan.

Elvshand have been playing at many stages in Stockholm and its surroundings. Have made music all his life and the last years been performing both alone and together with other artists.

As Elvshand continuously write more songs and perform with the new material all the time it is the own songs that interest most. But some covers, that have been chosen will also be on the playlist.

One member - Elvshand, that sing and play guitar, harmonica, bass and a lot more, depending on situation. Also using a loop-pedal and octave-pedal to be able to play more instruments in the same time.