In 2005 Melin and Mortensen, two metalheads and childhood friends, decided to start a metal band with innovative original music. Their idea was to make heavy metal that appeal to listeners from all genres and at the same time is loved by the diehard metalhead.

In 2006, after only one year, the band released their first EP - Relativity Fade, which was praised by Swedish media. Pretty soon, the band was booked as an opening act for bands, such as, Amon Amarth and TYR. The development towards a heavier sound meant that Janossy was recruited in 2008 and then became the final piece of the puzzle of what today is The Embodied. The more clear and distinct sound was greeted with open arms by both fans and critics.

In the following time, the band had more gigs than ever before, including supporting act to bands such as Tokyo Blade, Bullet, Hellfueled and Astral Doors. In 2009 the band released, in collaboration with Andy La Rocque, their second EP - Chapter One. The reviewers predicted a bright future for the band as "a new band on the Swedish metal sky." Since then, The Embodied has had great international success, particularly in Germany and Hungary, where the band already have covered two tours. Recently, The Embodied has been noticed nationally in media and as a live act, playing with bands such as Arch Enemy and Engel.

The long awaited debut album was released the 28th of October 2011, again with Andy La Rocque as producer. The reviewers has called the album a "masterpiece" and "one of best debut albums of the year". Everything indicates that The Embodied paves the way for a Swedish heavy metal revolution...