Id: 12118

Ignoring current trends in Swedish hardcore, ALWAYS WAR is assiduously trying to carve themselves a path of their own in the scene. Absent of cheesy gimmicks or fly by night trends, AW has taken the ethics and straightforward guitar assault of old school veterans like "Agnostic Front" and Cro-Mags and effortlessly added their own combination of brutal metallic riffs, gutwrenching vocals and classic mosh parts that will aid AW in their strife towards the forefront of the hardcore genre. AW are also unabashed about their love for metal, and it shows. With influences ranging from Venom and Celtic Frost to Madball, Integrity and Biohazard, AW have positioned themselves at the perfect hardcore metal crossroads. Definitely a hardcore band with short songs and dance parts, the band is taking the best of the Old School, and whipping it into a frenzied barrage of Slayer-esque riffs and even some double bass thrown in for flavour. Not to be confused with a metal band though, some of the guys in AW have been a grass roots center of the Swedish hardcore scene for well over 15 years. Started back in 2007 ALWAYS WAR was put together by two friends that where no strangers to the hardcore scene. Both Ronnie and Linkan was or had been a part of bands like NINE, The 21st Impact, Bombshell Rocks, Forced Into and Enemy Is Us, and now just wanted to merge their visions of hardcore in to one powerful hardcore beating. They later on joined forces with drummer Erik EB Bjorkegren who up till then mainly been playing metal in DEVIANT. Now everything fell into place and a five track demo was recorded early 2008. Sadly though, shortly after the first gig Linkan had to take a step back from the band due to personal reasons, and the band took a rest. But Ronnie could not let go of the songs and the sound created under the AW banner for long, so it was time again for ALWAYS WAR to resurrect. With reinforcements from Rod and Erik, there is a new level of energy and motivation fanning the flames of ALWAYS WAR. The future looks bright for the band. Their strong work ethic and desire to ring their message of aggression-packed new school hardcore to all kinds of audiences makes them a THE band to keep your eye on. They are the antithesis of emo...They are brutally aggressive, urban hardcore that wants nothing more than to get in your face and get you in to the pit.
Always War - Vengeance Prevail CD/Digital Releas 2010
Always War - Vengeance Prevail Demo 2008
Ronnie - Vocal
Rod - Guitar
Erik - Bass
Eb - Drums
Always War - Vengeance Prevail CD/Digital Releas 2010
Always War - Vengeance Prevail Demo 2008
Ronnie - Vocal
Rod - Guitar
Erik - Bass
Eb - Drums